Double issue: ExpoTime!  August + September 2024

98 pages, 130 links, 2 videos, 2 audios, 315 mentioned institutions

Mentioned institutions

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The editor's intro


Educational work in museums does not only mean dealing exclusively with originals, truth and facts

The Featured story


Team of Kunstsammlungen Augsburg; Eike D. Schmidt

Back in Augsburg: The cutlery of the Augsburg goldsmith and court goldsmith of Emperor Rudolf II, David Altenstetter (around 1547–1617)

Preparing spectacular visits


Utz Anhalt

Naturalis Biodiversity Center: From Leiden‘s cultural history of life sciences to its future

New museums


Gunter Schöbel 

The New „Pfahlbauten“ Museum [„Pile Dwellings“] in Unteruhldingen at Lake Constance: The oldest archaeological open-air museum in Germany invests in the future.


Marike van der Ben

The NUSSLI build Fraumünster Tower as tower of honour to Zurich women


Matthias Seeberg

 The Museum of Hamburg History is closed now for a rejuvenation treatment.



Museum news


Repair your network!


The schedule for museum activists: symposia, conferences and fairs


Selected from discussion lists


News from the dark side

New exhibitions


Team of Weltmuseum Vienna

The European Qur’ān


Marcel Chahrour

The Schallaburg-Exhibition: „RENAISSANCE long ago, now & here“


Adelheid Straten

Lisel Salzer, Lisl Weil, Hilde Spiel. Three women artists  – three friends


Team of Kunstmuseum Den Haag 

DIOR – A New Look


Team of British Museum

Picasso: printmaker


Natalie Ungar

always at hand: THE BAG


Team of Schirn Frankfurt

Carol Rama


Team of KUNSTPALAST, Dusseldorf

Re-opening of the glass collection with “MYTHOS MURANO”



Elnara Andrianova; Kurt Zernig; Paul-Bernhard Eipper

The Xylotheque of the Botanical Collections at Universalmuseum Joanneum Graz.  History and Conservation of a Curiosity


Letters to the editor | Imprint


Contributors of the issue

Front page: Front cover: The “Katharinen Tower” is reminiscent of the former second tower of the Fraumünster in Zurich, a project by NÜSSLI in honour of the creative power of women throughout the city and the last abbess of the Fraumünster, Katharina von Zimmern, who handed over the Fraumünster Abbey to the city of Zurich 500 years ago. The temporary art installation is on display until December 10. Photo: Federico Farinatti Fotografie. MORE: https://www.nussli.com/en/news-pr-and-media/current-news-and-media-releases/nussli-builds-the-katharinen-tower-in-zurich/ and https://www.katharinenturm.ch/home 

See also p. 28 of this issue! 

Double issue: ExpoTime!  April + May 2024

90 pages, 154 links, 3 videos, 2 audios, 214 mentioned institutions

Mentioned institutions

Read the issue for free

European readers: Get subscription of most recent issue  together with MUSEUM AKTUELL online


The Publisher’s intro

3 Christian Mueller-Straten

Full speed ahead to AI dictatorship


Inconvenient cultural heritage

5-11 Michael Stanic

The untold story of Munich’s old and abandoned airport

Starting new relations

12-18 Utz Anhalt

How to exhibit hidden and obvious colonialism: the examples in Hanover and Tervuren

19-22 Team of Amsterdam Museum, the Museum of the City of New York, and Lenape representatives

Manahahtáanung or New Amsterdam? The Indigenous Story Behind New York

From the newsdesk

24-29 New Museums

30-34 Museum news

35-37 Repair your network

38-42 Symposia, conferences and fairs

84-86 More news from the dark side

New exhibitions

43-49 Anette Rein

„Klangquellen. Everything is Music!“ Ethnological context treated with musicological terms. Museum der Weltkulturen, Frankfurt/M., Germany, until September 1, 2024

50-54 Florence Roth

Twelve thousand items – The beginnings of the European collection. The importance of provenance research and how to exhibit it. Until April 27, 2025 at Museum der Kulturen Basel

55-57 Kai Artinger

Loot – 10 stories/Kunst als Beute. 10 Geschichten. Humboldt Forum, Berlin, until January 26, 2025

58-61 Team of Weltmuseum, Vienna

(Un)Known Artists of the Amazon. Until April 21, 2025

Selections from discussion lists

62-66 This time: “Displaying large weavings/rugs” and “Damaged clock dial and what to do?”


State of the art of conservation-restoration

68-76 Paul Kisner; Abbie Vandivere; Marie Mundigler; Sabrina Meloni

Gallery tone: The preference for tinted varnishes in the Mauritshuis and their discontinuation

The dark side

80-83 Henry Keazor

Art and Forgery. Learning the truth from the fake. An exhibition at Kurpfälzisches Museum Heidelberg. Until June 30, 2024

87 Letters to the editor

89 Contributors and imprint

Front cover: Lucky charm, Cologne, Germany, 1936, plastic, cotton yarn, 6.5cm × 5cm, InvNo. VI 11998  Museum der Kulturen Basel. Photo: Omar Lemke 2023

Double issue: ExpoTime!-2023-07+09

100 pages, 156 links, 7 videos, 182 mentioned institutions

Mentioned institutions

Read the issue for free

European readers: Get subscription of most recent issue  together with MUSEUM AKTUELL online

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